I would like to visit South Side Baptist Church this Sunday. What do I need to know?
We are a group of people seeking to live the victorious, Spirit-filled life. There are two entrances to our building that both face 105th St. One is one the east side underneath the school/church sign. The other is located on the west side of the building. If you are a first-time guest, it is best to use the west entrance as it is located closest to the auditorium and nursery. Sunday School classes meet in different locations throughout the building. The Sunday morning worship service is held in our auditorium. Expect one of our friendly greeters to welcome you at the door and answer any questions you may have.
What style of music is included in worship?
We are traditional in our belief as well as our practice. We sing traditional hymns in order to prepare hearts for the preaching of God’s Word.
What do children do during worship?
Children are always welcome to participate in worship during the worship service. We do offer Sunday School during the 10:00 am service. During the 11:00 am service children have a time of children’s church. All services offer nursery care for infants up to children 2 years old.
How do I get connected?
Come to our services! Ask questions! We are a friendly group of people and would love to get to know you.
How can I learn more about South Side Baptist Church?
Look through this website which may answer some questions you have. Then, come and visit us and get to know us face-to-face. You may also feel free to call our church office at 708.425.3435 and speak to our pastor.
How should I dress?
Our pastors wear suits and ties, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be glad to see you if you have jeans and a t-shirt! We have no specific dress code, but do believe that one should dress modestly and appropriately.