What We Believe

The Bible

(Old and New Testaments) is the verbally (every word) and plenary (complete) inspired Word of God in all parts and therefore is wholly without error as originally given of God.


was made in the image of God by special creation and has not evolved from some lower form of animal. He willfully sinned against God and thereby incurred spiritual and physical death. He is a sinner by birth and by choice.

Jesus Christ

is God come in the flesh, born of a virgin, crucified on the cross for all men, buried and rose again the third day.


is a prepared place only for those who have accepted Christ as their Savior. It is a literal place for all the redeemed.


is a lake of fire prepared by God for the Devil and his angels plus all who die without Jesus Christ as their Savior. It is a literal place of torment.


is a gift of God. all men need to be saved and are totally helpless to save themselves. men must be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus christ as their own personal Savior from sin and hell.

The Local Church

is a body of baptized believers assembled for worship and service, and commissioned to take the Gospel into all the world.


is an important characteristic of true Christians. They ought to be clean morally and personally guided by the Scriptures in all things. While allowing for religious freedom of all people, Christians ought not to be organized with groups not of like faith. therefore, South Side Baptist Church takes a position against the Ecumenical Movement, Neo-Evangelicalism, and popular cooperative programs for religious purposes.