
Leaf Raking Activity

Leaf Raking Activity

We use the unique aspects of the youth ministry to reach young people for the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen families, and serve in the local church. We seek to see teenagers and families come to a point of decision in the areas of salvation, full surrender, and a consistent Christian walk. Recognizing that teenagers will soon become leaders in the church, it is our burden to train them to do so with a heart of loving service.

Sunday Morning

Sunday School for our youth group (7th-12th grade) meets in the teen room (located on the east side of the building) @ 10:00 am
Sunday morning worship service @ 11:00am is in the auditorium for all ages. Our youth group is encouraged to sit with their families during this time.

Wednesday Nights

Our youth group seeks to keep a balance between evangelism, discipleship, clean fun, and fellowship, we implement the following schedule for our teens:

The 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month are “game nights.”

For a time of good, clean fun, our youth group will usually start with a game either in the gym or outside, depending on weather, and then move into the youth room where we have a time of prayer and Bible study with a focus on practical application.

The 2nd Wednesday of the month is “service night.”

We take the beginning part of the hour to allow our youth a time of active service for others. This can include things like washing windows in the church, making paper mache decorations for VBS or preparing for the next teen service. These service projects are then followed by Bible study with a focus on practical application.

The 4th Wednesday of the month is “prayer and praise nght.”

We spend the first part of the evening praying, sharing testimonies of the Lord’s work in our lives, and singing praises. This is then followed by Bible study with a focus on practical application.
On any month with a 5th Wednesday, we do a random selection of on of the other nights

Every other week on Wednesdays at 4:00, the youth group meets together for a time of soulwinning and outreach.


Each month, usually on a Saturday, there is a youth group activity. The purpose is fellowship in a fun and safe environment. There are also usually outreach opportunities and challenges from God’s Word.